Here are datasets and codes that have been generated/developed through my research ventures. I do not guarantee/warranty them against any damages, inaccuracies, or idiotic reasoning that my colleagues and I may have employed during their creation. If you happen to find mistakes, have questions, or significantly improve them please contact me at anytime via email. Also we ask that you please cite the associated publications in any presentations or publications that arise from use of the data and/or codes available here.
PNAS Deepwater Horizon Dataset
This is a ZIP file containing shapefiles, geotiffs, and KMZs of our datasets from Valentine et al., PNAS (2014). Simply download, unzip and then read the READ_ME file for a brief overview of what is included. As always if there are any questions don't hesitate to contact me or my colleagues. (Uploaded 3/2/15)
This is a Matlab algorithm and GIS workflow to quantify accurate channel widths and centerlines from freely available high-spatial resolution imagery. Here I provide the Matlab codes and the user’s manual. (Updated 2/24/14)
Please cite the following articles when using ChanGeom
Fisher et al., Geomorphology, 2013
Fisher et al., GSA Special Paper 492, 2012
PNAS Deepwater Horizon Dataset
This is a ZIP file containing shapefiles, geotiffs, and KMZs of our datasets from Valentine et al., PNAS (2014). Simply download, unzip and then read the READ_ME file for a brief overview of what is included. As always if there are any questions don't hesitate to contact me or my colleagues. (Uploaded 3/2/15)
This is a Matlab algorithm and GIS workflow to quantify accurate channel widths and centerlines from freely available high-spatial resolution imagery. Here I provide the Matlab codes and the user’s manual. (Updated 2/24/14)
Please cite the following articles when using ChanGeom
Fisher et al., Geomorphology, 2013
Fisher et al., GSA Special Paper 492, 2012